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The Whitehorse Nordic Festival is an event to celebrate Nordic Sports. Biathlon, snowshoe, skiing, fat biking and kick sledding. Free activities will be in place between the stadium, the trail and the single track trail for everyone to try it out. A Downhill soapbox race will wrap up the day. We will also have food and beer to purchased and enjoy in the Winterlong beer garden.
Volunteers get some awesome perks! A Yukon Built toque to keep you warm, coffee & baked goods to fuel your day, a chance to win a $250 Air North gift card, a free meal & a refreshing Winterlong beer to celebrate.
We’re seeking volunteers to set up & take down the event, to welcome people, to guide or help running activities, to take on-site registration, to run food table, to teach Introduction to ski lessons, and other.
We'd like to offer Intro to Cross-Country Skiing in several languages. If you speak another language (Japanese, French, Spanish, Korean,...) and would like to share your experience, please let us know.
If you're not sure, sign up as a versatile volunteer and we'll contact you with more details.
For questions, please contact Fran at