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Clean the Community (SSCA Annual Litter Pick Up) signup sheet

Silver Springs Community Association is organizing a litter clean up on Saturday May 11th from 10am to 12pm. This will be a great opportunity to get to know your neighbours and to make the places we love, litter free! Sign up with friends, family or on your own. Pizza and refreshments will be provided to volunteers after the event. All kids participating will receive a certificate and stickers.

We will be picking up litter within the community but also in nearby Bowmont Park which we all enjoy! We have divided the community in 8 different sections (see map). Note that each group will be meeting at different locations as shown below. Make sure you show up at the right place! You can view the map on

1. The Boulevard
Meeting at St Sylvester School parking lot (you can use the parking lot)

2. Silver View - Silver Dale - (Including Dog Coral)
Meeting at Silver Dale playground

3. SSCA - Waterfall Valley
Meeting at Silver Springs Community Association parking lot

4. Silver Hill - Silver Ridge - Fournier Area
Meeting at the Edible Gardens

5. Silver Valley - Ravine Area
Meeting at Silver Valley playground

6. Silver Creek
Meeting at Silver Creek Park playground

7. Silver Grove
Meeting at WO Mitchell School parking lot

8. Silver Brook -Botanical Gardens
Meeting at the Shakespeare Garden (north end of BGSS)

Volunteer Needs
We will have 8 team leads to direct a group of volunteers in each area. Don't worry, we will equip you with a detailed map and set of instructions!
For each area we would like to have about 10 volunteers. This event is open to all ages and can be a great family activity. If you come as a family just put the adult's name and make a note that you will have kids with you.

Meeting Place
The different groups will be meeting at a location within the area they will oversee. Make sure you go to the location indicated. A reminder email will also be sent a few days before the event.

What to bring?

We will provide long-handled garbage pickers, gloves, garbage bags. But if you have reusable gloves that can be used, bring them along. One less pair of latex gloves in the landfill! Make sure you have good footwear and dress up for the weather.

This is a Community Effort
Did you know that all 3 elementary schools will help with this event by cleaning their yards ahead of our May 11th cleanup! Thank you to Silver Springs Elementary, St Sylvester and WO Mitchell! Also LDS and St Peters churches will participate by cleaning their grounds. Everyone can do their part by cleaning up around their house including the back alley. Let's make Silver Springs, litter free!

To sign up, select a row below

Show volunteers

What and when
Team Lead (Area 1: The Boulevard)
10am - 12pm
David L.,
Area 1 The Boulevard
10am - 12pm
Jon M., Rebecca (+kids) M., Tracey & 2 kids K., Heather S., Kira S.,
Team Lead (Area 2: Silver View - Silver Dale - (Excluding Dog Coral)
10am - 12pm
Area 2: Silver View - Silver Dale - (Excluding Dog Coral)
10am - 12pm
Show 8 names Rob S., Rob and Sara (plus 2 kids under 7) S., Margaret L., Melissa (plus dad, Tom!) B., Tom B., Denise & Joel L., Terry K., Rob K.,
Team Lead Area 3: SSCA - Waterfall Valley
10am - 12pm
Area 3: SSCA - Waterfall Valley
10am - 12pm
Show 9 names Fadi K., Heidi L., Courtenay B., Tyler L., Weronika P., Carson M., Sydney Y., John d., Rowan d.,
Team Lead (Area 4: Silver Hill - Silver Ridge - Fournier Area)
10am - 12pm
Area 4: Silver Hill - Silver Ridge - Fournier Area
10am - 12pm
Show 8 names Meryk S., Tim (and kids) S., Eric C (., Karla B., Karla +kid B., Nicole R., Nicole and kids 5yrs 2 yrs R., Grant M.,
Team Lead (Area 5: Silver Valley - Ravine Area)
10am - 12pm
Patrick C.,
Area 5: Silver Valley - Ravine Area)
10am - 12pm
Martin K., Brianne B., Patsy C., Kaya C., Adlai C., Curtis B.,
Team Lead (Area 6: Silver Creek)
10am - 12pm
June S.,
Area 6: Silver Creek
10am - 12pm
Ed W.,
Team Lead (Area 7: Silver Grove)
10am - 12pm
Linda J.,
Area 7: Silver Grove
10am - 12pm
Linda K., Carsten J., Samantha N., Maureen D., Patrick D., Sarah G., Caitlin S.,
Team Lead (Area 8:Silver Brook -Botanical Gardens)
10am - 12pm
Justin S.,
Area 8: Silver Brook -Botanical Gardens
10am - 12pm
Brittany G., Heidi L., Kaycee F., Sarah E., Jasmine A.,
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