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Airdrie /Calgary Bubble Chase signup sheet

Thank you so much for being willing to volunteer! We are pumped to have you!
Below is a brief description of the possible shifts you may be helping with. Volunteers must be 10 or older.

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What and when
Registration Tent: Check in registered runners and distribute participant wristbands. Ensure all participants signing in have completed the waiver. Manage walk up registrations. Provide friendly customer service while assisting with basic event questions. Refer participants to the gear check and swag purchase table while they wait for their heat. Remind runners to be ready for their wave time 15 min prior to their registered start time.
9:00 am - 12:00 pm Aug 9
Starting Line and Finish Line: Assist with the flow at the starting line by directing participants to the start corral. Check participant wristbands to ensure runners have gone through registration. Provide runners with water and finisher medals at the finish line. Cheer participants on!
9:00 am - 1:00 pm Aug 9
Bubble Maker: This is where the magic happens! You are at the bubble arches and creating all the bubbles for participants to run through. You will be given a quick safety orientation and shown how the simple equipment is used to create the bubbles. Help with the safety and flow of participants going through the bubble bogs. Watch out for injuries and help report any issues along the course to the race manager. Offer motivation and cheers on the participants!
9:15 am - 12:00 pm Aug 9
Course Water Stop: Provide a cup of water at water stations. Pick up cups that are thrown on the ground and placed in the garbage can provided. Ensure runners stay on the route. Watch out for, and report any injuries to the course manager. Offer motivation and cheers to the participants.
9:15 am - 12:00 pm Aug 9
Jessica G.,
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