This signup sheet is not accepting new volunteers.
Please contact the event coordinator for further details.
Thank you in advance for your support. Events such as the summer and winter fairs simply could not go ahead without a keen army of volunteers!
We hope that you will be able to support your Year Group area (see below) but do sign up wherever you can :-)
To help with planning we can share timings of dance and choir preformances:
1pm - Dance
1.30 - Secondary Choir
2pm - Y4-6 Choir
2.30 - Yr 2-3 choir
3pm - Dance
How to sign up…
**Choose preferred time slot(s)**
**Consecutive multiple sign ups must be in the same area. (eg: 12-1pm Bar, 1-2pm Bar)**
**Multiple sign ups in various areas must not be consecutive. (eg: 12-1pm Bar, 1-2pm Raffle)**
**Ensure earlier slots, or gaps between slots are filled first, if possible**
**Enter first name(s) AND last name(s) in the “First Name” box, with no space. (eg:SusanSmith)**
**If volunteering with a minor or friend, also include their names in your sign up box - no need to complete a separate sign up. (eg:SusanSmithJohnSmith)**
**In the “Surname” box, enter - (a hyphen)**
**Provide email address for confirmation prior to event""
**Student sign ups: To be awarded HPs and to be entered into the draw to win a £20 Amazon voucher, simply enter the school's phone number (01992410400) in appropriate box (with your name)**
We hope that some students may be able to offer performances at the Frost Fair, and understand that volunteers wish to keep those slots free in order to watch their children perform. Please sign up where you can and we will ensure we share performance times with volunteers when they are confirmed.
Please note: Back to back sign ups in multiple areas will be deleted. You will not be able to hand over AND start in your new area at the same time, hence a break is needed between multiple areas.