WT Milwaukee Catholic Home Sat Nov 12 1:30pm signup sheet


This signup sheet is not accepting new volunteers.
Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

This is our first time with MCH..our contact Tracy is super excited about our visit.
They are expecting 25-30 attendees!
So we should plan on 5-6 teams

2462 N. Prospect Ave.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53211

PARKING: You may find a few available parking spots in the driveway at the entrance of the building. If you find that there are not available spots directly in the front…you will find a parking lot just behind the building…on the north side. All open slots without a number are available parking spots. With it being a weekend, there should be plenty of open spots.

We do ask that all guests check in with the receptionist at the front desk. We do a temperature check and ask that each guest wear a mask. (masks will be provided if guests do not have their own). Tracy will be at the reception area to greet you. **PLEASE NOTE*** This program will be held in the Residence and NOT the Health Center.

Gentle reminder please add your pup's name after your first name....thank you!!

Show volunteers

What and when
Pet therapy teams MCH 2462 N Prospect arrival time 1:15pm
Maureen & Roscoe B., Tammy and Shadow S., Ann and Stella K., Beth G., Barb and Karly P., Ute and Milo P.,
Back up teams
Onsite Presentor 2462 N Prospect arrival time 1:15pm
amy d.,
# of attendees
Unavailable...this means I won't call you if we're short :-)
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