5th Annual Reindeer Run 5K - 2016 signup sheet


This signup sheet is not accepting new volunteers.
Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

5 K Run to benefit the Wheaton Lions Club and Wheaton Park District
Downtown Wheaton, IL - meet at the Chamber of Commerce building just East of Main Street.
Meet at the corner of Wesley and Main Street in front of the Museum and Chamber of Commerce office.

Show volunteers

What and when
Walk in Parade to hand out RR info i.e. race post cards and paper hats for children only- November 25th - will be given a Reindeer Run tshirt to wear OVER your coat. Please bring anything that lights up to wear. ***Meet at Wheaton City Hall on Wesley, downtown Wheaton. Look for Lions Club in slot #21.
5:30 pm - 7:00pm
Isabel S., Lily R., Kathy F.,
Packet Pick-up @ Community Center on Blanchard. Lower level. Thursday Dec.1, 2016
9:45 am - 12 noon
Pat M., Beth S.,
Packet Pick-up @ Community Center on Blanchard. Lower level. Thursday Dec. 1, 2016
3:30 pm - 7 pm
Joe E., Nancy N.,
Packet Pick-up @ Community Center on Blanchard. Lower level. Thursday Dec. 1, 2016
12 noon - 3:30 pm
betsy a., John T.,
***MANDATORY VOLUNTEER TRAINING*** 12/1/2016 @ Community Center on Blanchard *ALL Volunteers need to attend this meeting*
7:00 pm-7:30 pm
betsy a., Nancy N., Tom K., Ron B., Bud K., Scott H., James H., Marty F., Dave L., Joe E., Kathy F., Penny W., Rock R., Rock R., Jack M., Rob J., John D.,
Bagel pick-up Einstein Bagels. Friday December 2nd. 625 S. County Farm Road, Wheaton AND 443 N. Main Street, Glen Ellyn, IL. Please call to confirm close time and be there 10 to 15 minutes before close time. Tell them you are with the Wheaton Park District.
*call location for close time - arrive 15 minutes before closing.
Richard B.,
Bagel pick-up Einstein Bagels. Friday December 2nd. 1727 Freedom Drive, Naperville IL. Please confirm close time and arrive 1- to 15 minutes before then to pick up bagels. Tell them you are with the Wheaton Park District.
*call location for close time - arrive 15 minutes before closing.
Jim J.,
Gear Check - Day of race - Dec. 3th - Bag and Tag runners valuables and monitor the valuables during the race. Please check in at Volunteer check in - Chamber office next to museum on Wesley
7 am - 10 am
Barry and Georgie C., Jim A.,
Same Day Registration for race - Day of Race - Downtown Wheaton. Please check in at volunteer check-in in the Chamber office on Wesley.
7 am - 8:30 am
Nancy N., Erin B., Charlie M., Holli M., Jeff K.,
Photographer - During race to capture pre, during, and post photos. Must have own camera. Will start at mid-race-course water station and take photos of volunteers and runners. The photos will then be sent to Terri Lightbody.
7:30 am - 10:00 am
Terri L.,
Info Booth - Day of race - Dec. 3 - Direct people. Please check in at Wheaton Chamber office @ Volunteer station inside the Chamber office on Wesley.
7:15 am - 10:00 am
betsy A., David M.,
Course Marshals - Dec. 3 - All intersections along the race route will have 2 or 3 marshals to help with the flow of traffic (runners - not cars) and encourage runners and keep them safe. Your street assignment (location) and a map will be given the day of the race at volunteer check in. Please meet in the Chamber office on Wesley at the Volunteer table. *We will have coffee and donuts* Please stay at your race position until someone tells you it is "all clear". Do not leave your race location because cars may start driving on the race course!!!!
7:30 am to 10:00 am
Jim J., Susan J., Brad P., Tom S., Ron B., Jerry S., paul b., Dennis W., Bud K., Scott H., James H., Rodney I., Lee A., John V., Conrad S., Don F., Clancy B., megan k., Emily P., Colin H., Zach P., Robert G., Sophia B., Sarah K., Conall F., Olivia C., Joanna L., Hayden F., Evan H., Amber B., Luke R., Missy H., Jill K., Grace F., Adam L., Will U., Tim B., Nic L., Connor B., Taylor P., Jacob S., Joe W., Lauren L., Brandon L., Lauren W., Pano P., Kathy F., Penny W., Jack M., Allison M., Rob J., Adela S., John S., Bruno T., Bette K., John D., Ben B., Anna T., Amber M., Sophia S., Dana L., Emily B., katie Z., Erik M., Joe M.,
Race Day Cheerleaders! Dec. 3 - Given a position along the race route to encourage the runners! Feel free to bring posters/signs to encourage the runners! Check in at the Volunteer station at the Wheaton Chamber on Wesley. You will be given your location assignment, on the race route, the day of the race. *We will have coffee and donuts* Please stay at your race position until someone tells you it is "all clear". Do not leave your race location because cars may start driving on the race course!!!!
7:30 am to 10:00 am
Sam S., Trevor R., Jack J., Carson G., John L., Jack F., Vasilis G., wasay s., Steven N., Scott N., Isabel S., Lily R., Maggie C., Maggie P., Alanna C., Bradley C., Wendy S., Pano P.,
Water Station on course - Dec. 3 - Hand out water and encourage runners. Please check in at the Volunteer station located in the Wheaton Chamber office on Wesley. **Please keep cups 1/2 full (not full) and be prepared. We have over 1100 runners!! ** Also, please pick up ALL garbage**
7:30 am to 10:00 am
BOB R., Tom K., Bill D., Chris G., Will B., elizabeth w., madison s.,
Volunteer Check-in Day of Race - Check in volunteers and give them their volunteer vest and information packet. Please check in at the Volunteer table at the Wheaton Chamber office on Wesley. *after the race is completed, volunteers can exchange their vest for a volunteer T-Shirt** The 'check-in' volunteers must stay until ALL Volunteers have returned their vests!!
7 am - 9:00 am
Sharon H., Jim H., Sue H., Ed L., Joe E., Lorraine C.,
Starting Line Helpers/ After race refreshments- Help organize runners as the race is about to begin - then move to the post race refreshment area to help set up and serve race refreshments for runners- Day of Race - Dec. 3. Check in at Wheaton Chamber office on Wesley. **We will have coffee and donuts for the volunteers in the Chamber office**
7:30 am - 10 am
Show 10 names Marty F., Dave L., Isabel t., Sa Ri N., Mary A., Eleanor K., Ro K., Par K., Ribka B., Rock R.,
Finish Line Helpers - Day of Race - Dec. 3. Will help at finish line with the flow of runners. Check in at Wheaton Chamber office on Wesley. **We will have coffee and donuts for the Volunteers**
7:30 am - 10 am
Shane K., Katrina L.,
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