This signup sheet is not accepting new volunteers.
Please contact the event coordinator for further details.
CSSA hosts Alberta's biggest long track competition, ABLT, each year. There are over 170 volunteer positions that need to be filled. With that many jobs there is something for everyone. We have listed some of the positions as half days. Having said that, we would prefer volunteers to commit for a full day so if you can, please sign up for both the morning and afternoon shifts of the same task. If you are only able to volunteer for a AM or PM shift, then please sign up accordingly.
Exact start times are based on the meet schedule. Please note we will provide exact start times/details closer to the meet date when the schedule is finalized.
Volunteer positions regarding hosting and food will have more info to come.
If you are new to the sport, there are lots of jobs for volunteers. You can choose from Office/copier, Runner, Registration, Assistant Clerk of the Course, Assistant Recorder, and Hosting.
If you have taken the Level 1 Officials Course, OR are familiar with the sport AND/OR have previous experience at the mini-meet or other meets, it might be fun to try assistant Timer, assistant Lap Counter or Place Judge. These jobs allow you to watch the action too.
Any youth signing up must first be approved. Send request to:
Thank you for your help!