SPECIAL Nurse's week at St. Luke's two shifts 11:30am-1:30pm signup sheet


This signup sheet is not accepting new volunteers.
Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

A celebration visit for the staff at St. Luke's
2900 West Oklahoma Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53221
Hospital is on the corner of Oklahoma and S 27th Street

Parking would be in the main parking structure, accessible from 27th street. There is no charge.

Once parked, all will need to go to the 3rd floor of the Main building. Mona and I will meet you there. Our contact will arrange to have someone there to meet all who are coming, and he'll be there as well. Teams will be dispersed across the campus so he’ll have a guide for each team.

Two shifts: 11:30am-12:30pm and 12:30pm-1:30pm
Remember to arrive 15 minutes before your shift.

we’ll be observing social distancing, hand hygiene and masking – all handlers must wear a mask while on site. They will provide them, along with eye protection (lightweight goggles). They are also asking the handlers to have been vaccinated.

Cut and paste this URL for a map of St Lukes https://www.aurorahealthcare.org/-/media/aurorahealthcareorg/documents/hospital-guide-floor-plans/st-lukes-wayfinding-map.pdf?la=en&hash=3A7D9672156FFDC6CDB9B85D53EB621C05106B4F

This is our first group visit at St. Lukes!!

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What and when
1st Shift S 27th St, Milwaukee, WI 53221...arrive at 11:15am
11:30am - 12:30pm
2nd Shift S 27th St, Milwaukee, WI 53221...arrive at 12:15pm
12:30pm - 1:30pm
Coordinators ...arrive at 11am
11am - 1:30pm
Backup teams
Unable to attend
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