Scroll down to volunteer
Volunteers sell books and recordings in the lobby before the show, during Intermission, and after the end of the performance. There is a lot of standing during this job. You should check in for your shift 1 hour before the performance.
We will do our best to find you a seat in the theater to watch the show when you are not working the Product Sales tables. If a seat is not available, you may stand in the back.
PLEASE - only sign up for one shift. Many people want to do product sales. Only sign up one person per line. No one under 18 may volunteer without a parent or guardian with them.
Covid Guidelines
We are not asking asymptomatic volunteers to test before their shifts, but they should call out sick if you are symptomatic with any respiratory illness.
From our Health Advisory Team:
We are both vigilant and aware of COVID risks including an expected, and hopefully low-volume transmission rate this December; in light of the current low incidence and virility of the virus, we recommend that the collective focus should be on maintaining the health of cast/crew (and volunteers!) through scrupulous preventative care, self-monitoring, and a management protocol for those who get sick in general or with COVID.
We recommend (have recommended) the following:
- Vaccines per CDC guidance for COVID and the flu!
- Individuals should not attend rehearsals/performances if symptomatic with active respiratory or other illness.
- Individuals with respiratory symptoms should test for COVID.
- When symptoms improve and individuals are COVID negative, individuals may return to the performances.
- Masks are optional however usage is strongly supported for any participant who may derive benefit from additional protection.
Volunteers who test positive for COVID should expect to stay home for 5 days and can return when symptoms improve and there is no fever for 24 hours. If fever is not present before 5 days and two sequential daily tests are negative, individuals may return before 5 days, per CDC recommendation.
Thank you!
Jen Sur
978 697 8042
617 972 8300 x402