2019 Trivia Night signup sheet


This signup sheet is not accepting new volunteers.
Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

It's back! The Falls Creek Race Club Trivia Night. Always a hoot, and very easy to run. We're looking for 1 volunteer to help prepare the Trivia handouts for the evening. Nyree our Race Club Admin has done all the hard work for you. If you are great with a photocopier or printer, this is the volunteer role for you! All you need to do is download the Trivia Pack Nyree will send you, print out the relevant Trivia sheets and then set up the room at 4pm on Sat 27 July 2019 (put the Trivia Packs & print outs on the tables)....so if you want to volunteer to prep & set up Trivia Night...sign up now!

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What and when
Print out Trivia Night handouts & put them on the tables
Sat 27/08/2019 4pm set up & 7pm start
Leah B.,
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