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Sista Strut Memphis 2024 signup sheet

From everyone at Sista Strut, we thank you for showing interest in volunteering to assist the 10th Annual Sista Strut 3K Breast Cancer Walk. WE ASK THAT VOLUNTEERS BE AT LEAST 18 YEARS OF AGE. We could not do this without you! Please sign up for one volunteer slot only. For questions, please email

SISTA STRUT is back for the 10th Annual 3K Breast Cancer Walk! Sista Strut raises awareness for breast cancer – specifically in African American women and will be held Saturday, April 6, 2024 at Tiger Lane.

Sista Strut is the largest walk of its kind in the city to support women of color. All of the contributions raised for the excellent charities Sista Strut supports remain here and benefit women in Memphis.

To sign up, select a row below

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What and when
On-Site Registration/T-Shirt Pick Up: maintain the line & keep people informed to assure they are in the correct line; assist with registrations; help distribute t-shirts & backpacks. Must be comfortable using a computer.
Show 12 names Brenda S., S. Y., Princess B., Yolonda B., Tijuana O., Tiaa Celeste T., Renee G., Windolyn M., Kay S., Keisha S., Denisa C., Danaka H.,
Finish Line: set up fruit, set up water (set up cases that have been brought earlier); help distribute food & water to walkers as they come through the finish line
Show 10 names Jacqueline H., Charollette H., Lameka S., Cassandra P., Xavia B., Denise F., Barbara J., Contina R., Belinda B., Linda W.,
Team Photo: assist with setup, help organize teams in place for photos
Morgan L., Millicent S., ROBERT H., Kesha S.,
Survivors Wall of Fame: assist with survivors signing the wall of fame, keeping track of sharpie markers, assisting sponsor
Waukesha T., AMAYA T., Moya T.,
Cheer Groups On Route: cheer on participants to help guide them along the route. Will require walking to designated place on route
Show 20 names Natasha J., Fantasia J., Jacqueline M., Sondra R4oL D., Kathalene R4OL T., Kathalene R4oL T., Ruth L., Keisha M., R4oL S., Alona M., Dr. Cheryl - Run 4our Life K., R4ol Teramena O., R4oL L., R4ol W., Jadia R40L T., Bernadette R., Bernadette R., R4OL M., Teraney-R4OL M., Kellie-R4oL R.,
Packet Pick-Up TUESDAY APRIL 2: (must be comfortable on computer!!) help check paricipants in, help register participants, help distribute t-shirts
Bonnie R., Terri E., Shaun F., Brenda W., Rhonda M., Morgan L.,
Packet Pick-Up WEDNESDAY APRIL 3: (must be comfortable on computer!!) help check paricipants in, help register participants, help distribute t-shirts
Shaun F., Bonnie R., LaKeisha W., Karen E., ROBERT H., Stephenia M.,
Packet Pick-Up THURSDAY APRIL 4: (must be comfortable on computer!!) help check paricipants in, help register participants, help distribute t-shirts
Waukesha T., Amaya T., Bonnie R., Rhonda M., Louve C., Sherita L.,
Celebration Lounge: check ID's to ensure participants are 21+, put on stamp, pour 1oz Clubtails beverage samples
Jarisha P., Charline J., Shaneika W., Moneake W., Kimmy J., Evelyn M.,
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