2023 Midwinter Revels Short Notice Call List signup sheet


This signup sheet is not accepting new volunteers.
Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

May we contact you if we need help at Sanders Theatre on short notice? If so, then add your name to this list. Please know, adding your name does not mean you accept a shift, just that we may call or text if we are in a bind.

You should expect to have to test and mask if your job we're calling you for requires you to be in contact with the cast (backstage). 

Short Notice volunteers will have a criminal background check completed as part of our Youth Protection Policy. Revels Staff will contact you by email to complete this paperwork. You should expect to have to mask and test for this position.

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What and when
Short Notice Call List
2023 MidWinter Revels
Meryl S., Mira W., Lakshmi N., Paul L., Gail B., Alaina O., Michelle R., Mary R., Cynthia S.,
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