This signup sheet is not accepting new volunteers.
Please contact the event coordinator for further details.
This Kiwanis service event requires two (2)people to deliver meals to shut-ins every Friday to cover two (2) routes. Sign-up sheets are available at every Thursday noon meeting or on the website.
Kiwanis Coordinator:
Marge Ormsby 402-469-3296 - Call or text Marge with any questions or updates to availability. If I don't answer, please text or leave a voice message. Please notify if you will be late, but can still do a route.
Pick-up Location:
Senior Action Office 212 W. 3rd St., parking lot (corner of 3rd & Minnesota near Post Office)
Martha DeWitt 402-463-5900 (only call Martha with last minute changes and you can't reach Marge.)
Pick-up Time:
11:15 a.m.
Time required: Route 8 takes about 20-30 minutes(mostly south of downtown)
Route 10 takes about 30-40 minutes(starts west of Laird and ends at Lochland area)
Catering by Runcie's