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Mass Sign-up October 17-18, 2020

Please attend Mass if you are symptom free & wearing a mask. Registration after 12pm on Friday will not appear on sign-up sheet for weekend Masses.

To sign up, select a row below

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What and when
Saturday Vigil Mass
Sat. Oct. 17, 2020 @4:30pm
Ruth S., Jerry S., María guadalupe P., Antonio P., Ramona A., Ed K., Mary K., Mary K., Michael K., Ken B., Laurali M., Maria J., JOSEPH G., JEANNE G., David&Ruby V., Nancy M., Susan M., Mark F., Mary W., Marvin W., Lynne S.,
Sunday Mass
Oct. 18, 2020 @7:30am
BEV S., MIKE S., Ken W., Becky W., Judy B., Mike S., Michele S., Alma R., Judy B., Jeff K., Lisa K.,
Sunday Mass
Oct. 18, 2020 @9:30am
Gary W., Mary W., Lee c., Gary W., Mary W., Patrick W., Elisa P., Tony G., Aaron G., Miguel V., Miguel A. V., Paolo V., Cecilia V., Jennifer G., Rebecca G., Terry D., Carrie R., Carrie R., Mark R.,
Sunday Mass in Spanish
Oct. 18, 2020 @11:30am
Marisol G., Julián H., Leopoldo H., Antonio P., Maria Guadalupe P., Ramona A., Cecilia G., Aurora G., MARIA R., Marcos O., Noé O., Angel O., Diego O., Ricardo O., Cecilia H., Saul H., Guadalupe B., Nicol B., Guadalupe B., Jesus J., Karen J., Elia J., Sandra J., Genoveva J., Cary M., Consuelo N., Frank N., Junior P., Maricela Gilberto C., Antonio G., Martha G., Marthita G., Ivan G., Marisol, Fabian, Fabian, Stephanie,Kimberly, Melanie, Jonathan V., María guadalupe B., Nicol B., Guadalupe B., Angela S., Anayeli S., Lorely S., Yamely S., Yave S., Octavio S., Sonia D., Daniela B., Miguel B., Hector B., Leticia C., Fernando C., Sebastian C.,
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