"Rally" Performances signup sheet


This signup sheet is not accepting new volunteers.
Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

League members are needed to support the performances of "Rally." 1) Volunteers will set up and staff a voter registration/information table. 2) Volunteers will support the performers by participating as marchers and crowd members carrying and holding aloft both pro and con placards (we have a few, but you are encouraged to make/bring your own), wearing "vote for women" sashes (provided), and shouting support or opposition to the speakers. Wear white if at all possible, as our foremothers did. Admission is free for LWV volunteers at all venues.

Show volunteers

What and when
Rally participants and marchers (shout & carry placards); Toledo Botanical Garden. LWV volunteers will be admitted free.
Thursday, August 19, report 5:30 p.m.
Judith K., Eleanor K., Ann F., Leena J., nancy g., Bonnie B., Shawn W., Connie S.,
Voter registration/information table staffing, set-up and take down, Toledo Botanical Garden.
Thursday, August 19, report 5:30 p.m.
MaryAnn P., Roberta K., NANCY M.,
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