10:00 a.m., Sunday, July 19: Christ the King Mass Sign Up


This signup sheet is not accepting new volunteers.
Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

Please sign up each member of your family that will be attending Mass. Include full first and full last name.
Please note, even though this is a sign-up to attend Mass, this sign-up will refer to you as a "volunteer".

Show volunteers

Attend Mass on Sunday, July 19 at 10:00 a.m. (please sign up each family member that will be attending)
Claudia C., Jean W., Judy B., Betty B., Michele R., Jim W., Michael C., Carl W., Merrilee W., Ann F., Patrick M., Kathy K., Robert K., Andrea R., Madeline R., Delaney R., Bill U., Brian B., Elena B., Darius B., Lily B., Eddy B., Daniel B., Tom S., Tammy S., Rose B., Leslie S., Kayla S., Grace S., Andy S., Raymond O., Donna B. C., Greg C., Shari C., Patrick K., Salam K., Michael K., Dale M., Ann S., Shirley S., Chris B., Val B., Camilla B., Audra B., Dale M., Pat B., Joe B., Kathleen B., Lindsay K., Ryan K., Lauryn K., Lila K., Levi K., Allison L., Brian M., Judy L., Terry L., Jo Ann F., Jerry F., Jordan F., Robert G., Mary Ellen G., Addison G., Pat L., James S., Chris R., Emily R., James W., Michael W., Kathy B., Maria N., Claire N., Rick R., William V., Jane V., Christopher Z., Taylor Z., Herbert D., Gisele K., Tony K., Kevin W., Lilia B., Bill R., Monica H., Alex H., Theresa W., John W., Meghan W., Lucy W., Munah J., Weedor J., TeTee Tenneh J., Mayango J., Francis J., Kathy M., Carlajean R., Michael C., kathleen t., lawrence t., albert s., barbara s., Jennifer H., Andrew H., Allie H., Anna H., Tracy H., Mary K., Bobby G., Milli G., Steve H., Jeannette H., John M., Missy M., Brian Z., Nathan Z., Kevin Z., Elizabeth D., Edward D., Cecilia D., Matthew D., Sarah B., Bob B., Joanne R., Chudlyn R., Alyssa F., Brenda E., Mark E., Darren P., Katie P., Gracey P., John P., Anne P.,
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