Food Distribution - April 22th, 2019 at North Pointe signup sheet


This signup sheet is not accepting new volunteers.
Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

Join us for our next Food Distribution at North Pointe! We host the Food Distribution on the 4th Monday of each month. Volunteers are needed at different times during the night based on where you serve.

If you sign up and plan to bring your family, only sign up for a spot as an adult, don't sign up your kids at a spot as they will serve along you. (Example, if both husband and wife sign up with 2 kids, you should volunteer for 2 spots).
***Kids are welcome at the appropriate area of serving. If you bring your kid(s) they must stay will you at your serving area the entire night, not wander around or play with the other kids serving. This is for the safety of everyone. ***

Show volunteers

What and when
Front Door Table Registration
5:30pm - 7:00pm
Dick L., Miriam L., Ruth T.,
Unload the Truck & Distribute Food (Must be 10 yrs or older)
5:15pm - 7:30pm
Sara K., Bryce M., Justice K., Melissa K., Cindy B., Josh N.,
Distribute Food at the tables
5:30pm - 7:00pm
Delores S., Christine N.,
Carry boxes of food to vehicles (Must be 12 yrs or older)
5:30pm - 7:00pm
Vacuum and clean
Mondays (Between 8am - 5:00pm)
Ruth T., Marlene G.,
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