October 18 - Casserole Night! signup sheet


This signup sheet is not accepting new volunteers.
Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

Please sign up to bring an item (or more) to St. Aidan's Episcopal Church on Tuesday. Dinner starts at 6, so if it can be brought to the church (hot and ready) between 5 and 5:30pm that would be great! If you sign up to bring a grocery item, please bring it to the church by at least 4pm or a day ahead. Thanks!

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What and when
A casserole of your choice! (please include a list of ingredients)
October 18, 5-5:30pm
Sara P., Mikki M., Zach P., Anne W.,
16 oz mixed greens, 16 oz cherry tomatoes, shredded carrots
October 18, 4pm
Sara P.,
2 loaves of bread
October 18, 5-5:30pm
Sara P., Terry R.,
Dessert for 15 (no nuts please)
October 18, 5-5:30pm
Sara P., Mikki M.,
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