Adopt Indigo for Praxis signup sheet


This signup sheet is not accepting new volunteers.
Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

Praxis needs your help! Sign up here to adopt 5 indigo plants to grow in your home garden. Praxis will supply you with everything you need to keep your plants healthy for the growing season. At each interval we will post tutorials on how to care for and harvest your indigo. We only ask that at the end of the summer, you bring us your dried leaves! In exchange, we will be offering a free workshop for all our indigo growers using the harvested leaves in the fall. Plants will be ready for pick up in mid may. If you have any questions in the meantime, please let us know!

Show volunteers

What and when
Indigo Adoption Pick Up
Show 75 names Katharine O., Bellamy P., Jan D., Anne E., John D., Beth A., Luis Gomez G., Bonnie W., Lisa P., Valerie M., Renee P., Leslie k., Victoria M., Erin D., Carol L., Susan L., Sheila M., GiGi E., Linda C., Dierdre P., kim w., Pamela M., Kelly S., juliann F., Cat M., Mike M., Hilton M., Bug R., Micaela V., Mike M., Diane S., Christine K., Gayle A., Aja G., Anita H., Lynn S., Kristen n., Ben J., Melissa M., Jeffry C., Susan M., Anna S., Barbara S., Marilyn M., Paula T., Michelle C., Linda L., Everett s., Anastasia P., Catie H., Amy W., Nicole T., Joyce F., Jodi W., Susanna S., Jeanne S., Bryan D., Karen F., Alex B., pam m., Rosalie F., Kelcey L., Susan M., Adrian M., Ann C., Jamie L., linda g., linda g., Tracy B., Melisa N., Mariah B., Ruthie A. W., Laura B., Evan G., Elizabeth P.,
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